We offer responsive, low resource and reliable de-orbiting solutions to meet new 5-year requirements from the FCC to ensure compliance for your mission

At Frond we understand the critical need to enhance volumetric efficiency in spacecraft systems. Through our partnership with Rolatube, a trusted provider of terrestrial rolled composite technology, we bring cutting-edge innovation to the space domain.

With extensive expertise in deployable space technology and mission delivery, our team is equipped to offer customers both off-the-shelf systems and tailor-made solutions to meet their unique requirements in Earth orbit and beyond.

Combating Space Debris

Robust solutions to end-of-life disposal

Volumetric Performance

Efficient deployable systems for compact structures

Responsive Solutions

Ready to meet the challenges of tomorrows space industry

High quality and low cost

Leveraging extensive experience in spacecraft system AIT and operation to deliver at a price point that works for you

Customer foccussed

Team experienced in system and mission delivery – we are here to help you achieve mission success

Regulatory Compliance

Solutions to meet new and challenging regulatory requirements for space debris mitigation